
Friday, February 17th-Sunday, February 19th.

Art Exhibition – Lamu Fort will become a massive gallery space and showcase the art work produced by the Lamu Painters Festival.


Craft Fair – Artisans will be invited to display their contemporary and traditional products in Lamu for the duration of the festival. An array of artifacts will be on display including weaved baskets, driftwood art, furniture, recycled art and other craft.


Decorating of the Lamu Town Square – An opportunity for the most beautiful space in Lamu to be brought to life with artwork and instillations for the three-day event. Local and national artists will be given the space to showcase their skills with the theme of peace and unity and the celebration of difference.


Music Concert – Lamu Town Square will become the concert hall for Friday night and host local, national and international artists with music videos’ released as they perform.


Musical Workshops – Kenya’s stars will be on the island and will give workshops to young enthusiastic youth who want to learn skills in the music world.


Sunset Music Sail – The tradition of sunset sailing with tourists is deep within the Lamu daily life. We will have 1 boat with a percussion band, Baki Simba, on board with the dhows following full of visitors from Shela around the islands.

